Listing items for sale on Acloset Preloved is free. Go ahead and list the items you have in your closet!

Want to list an item from your existing closet?

  1. Press the (+) button > Sell item.
  2. Press [Select from closet] to select an item to sell from [Closet] or [Archive].
  3. If you have previously entered information such as category, size, color, and brand, it will be automatically extracted.
  4. Enter additional information and the price of the item, then press [List].

Want to list your item right away?

  1. Press the (+) button > Sell item.
  2. Press [Select from album] to choose an image of the item to sell.
  3. Enter detailed information and the price of the item, then press [List].

Want to register clothes as items in your closet?

  1. Press the (⋮) button at the top right of My Clothes Details.
  2. Press [Sell in Preloved].
  3. Enter detailed information and price of the item, then press [List].

When listing an item, try to appeal the value of the item with a good picture!